Welcome to the 2022-2023 Lake Fenton High School Band!
This website contains a lot of important information for you and your family.
Please review it together to learn all about your future in the Lake Fenton High School Band!
You are going to LOVE being a part of the Lake Fenton High School Band
and you are going to have an absolute blast with us!
The Lake Fenton High School Band is the largest student organization within the Lake Fenton Community Schools
and the experiences you’re going to have in high school band are going to create amazing friendships and incredible memories that you’ll have for a lifetime.
Please take a few minutes to browse though the following items to see what's in store for you!
The photo gallery above
The recap video of our Fall 2019 Chicago Trip above
The recap video of our Spring 2019 Philadelphia & New York City Tour above
​Lake Fenton High School Band members DO IT ALL!
Over 70% of our high school band members participate in athletics throughout the school year.
Our band members also participate in drama/theatre, National Honor Society, Scouts, Student Council, Robotics, Young Life, Genesee Career institute (GCI), and have jobs throughout the community.
Communication is key to making your commitments mesh with your love of band. It can be done!
Keep in mind that participation in High School Band also fulfills the following graduation requirements:
0.5 Credits of Physical Education
1.0 Credits of Visual/Performing/Applied Art
1.0 Credits of World Language
In addition to band being a part of your daily class schedule (9th Grade Concert Band / 10th through 12th Grade Symphonic Band), high school band members also have the following evening rehearsal and performance commitments:
5 days of Band Camp (August 1st through August 5th)
Athletics officially begin the week after band camp (as regulated by MHSAA), so band camp is traditionally the week prior to athletics. -
3 Tuesday and 3 Thursday evening rehearsals during the remainder of August (after Band Camp)
6 Tuesday evening rehearsals spread throughout the end of August, September and October (when school is in session)
4 Home Varsity Football Game Performances spread throughout August, September, and October
Friday, August 26, 2022
Friday, September 23, 2022
Friday, September 30, 2021 (Homecoming)
Friday, October 21, 2022 (Senior Recognition)
6 Event Performances spread throughout the school year, including . . .
Culver’s Fundraiser on Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Fenton Jinglefest Parade on Saturday, December 3, 2022
Winter Concerts on Friday, December 9th and Saturday, December 10th (in combination with FIM Ensembles)
Spring Concert on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Spring Performance (Announcement Coming Soon!)
Be sure to regularly review the band website calendar for a complete list of performance/rehearsal dates and times.
Please review our BAND CAMP INFORMATION Page for complete camp details​
High School Band Camp is a requirement for participation in high school band.
Band Camp takes place at Lake Fenton High School during the day for 1 week.
Students are dismissed to go home daily at 6 PM (Monday - Thursday) and 8 PM (Friday)
Friday concludes with a public performance of the week's accomplishments
It is a time completely devoted to marching fundamentals, drill, music rehearsal, and learning the entire halftime show for the season
An annual fee is assessed to each high school band member that covers costs associated with the following . . .
Field Formation Drill Design
Ancillary Instructional Staff
Performance Illuminations for the Homecoming Glow Show and the Fenton's Jinglefest Parade
Band Camp Indoor Facility
Uniform and Formal Wear Maintenance and Cleaning
Band Camp Friday Dinner
The annual fee for each 2022-2023 Band Member will be $95 and is due by Tuesday, June 7th.
All new members and those returning members that need replacement uniform band shoes will also be assessed a $45 shoe fee.
All current 8th through 11th grade band members should complete this form
by Tuesday, March 1st to inform Mr. Gonder and Mr. Spicer
of your commitment to the 2022-2023 Lake Fenton High School Band.​